Sunday, August 2, 2009

My hair? And red face?

When I'm at cheer practice, naturally, I sweat, everyone does but I have two problems. My face seems to turn red like a tomato, especially when I do push ups, but it does it regardless of whether or not I do push ups. And my sweat seems to mostly affect my hair. It turns the front part of my hair wet, including my bangs. It's not attractive. Other people on the team don't seem to have either of these problems. Their hair stays perfectly dry and their faces aren't red at all. What can I do to fix these problems? And please don't tell me to google it because I tried googling and it wouldn't show me any results.

My hair? And red face?

I have the same problem! My cheeks are red, even when i'm not doing anything. And when i get hot they get even redder. My hairline also gets wet when i sweat, and it makes my hair curl (i straighten it every day). Ya know, honestly I'm not sure what to do either...i just try to stay cool. But you have to pracice. So really i dont think there is anything you can do...just have to live with it i gues...and put your hair up. Hey at least we dont have to wear blush right!?

Try to think of it as a blessing...

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