Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How is zac efrons hair cut?

hi guys,

i was just wondering how zac efron has his hair cut, cause i am getting the style but i dont no if it is like shorter at the back and sides and longer at the top, i need help lol.

I do have some pictures to show you what i am having..



he has his hair like this in high school musical 2, i dont like his style when he has it long

thanxs :)

How is zac efrons hair cut?

if you're going to copy him at all, definitely choose the style he had on the cover of details:


way hotter.

How is zac efrons hair cut?

my mom hates it! LOL

How is zac efrons hair cut?

What To Do Is Take A Picture Of His And Make Sure You Can See His Hair The More Pictures You Have Of Different Angles The More The Hair Stylist Can Work With To Make Your Hair Look Like His.

I Hope This Is The Best Answer.

How is zac efrons hair cut?

dont be a poser now, be unique.

How is zac efrons hair cut?

I absolutely hate that man. or WOMAN as perez will call him. Zacquisha lol............classic. anyways that hair is totally ridiculous anyway.

How is zac efrons hair cut?

Both pics look gay, but you might want to ask for donald trumps opinions on pic#1...

How is zac efrons hair cut?

it is horrid

How is zac efrons hair cut?

its cool im not really sure about how to the cutting is done.

How is zac efrons hair cut?

find your own style.

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