Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why won't my hair dye?

I have naturally dark blonde/light brown hair, and I like to experiment with different colors. I've had red, brown, black... you name it. But when I dye it darker, in about a week the blonde always starts to show through... which doesn't look too bad with brown, but right now I have black hair with these weird blonde parts that almost look green.... why? How can I make the blonde stay covered?

Why won't my hair dye?

do you dye it yourself? maybe you should go to a hairstylist. chances are they'll do it better, or maybe that brand of dye you are using isn't good enough.

Why won't my hair dye?

your hair has a character...

Why won't my hair dye?

You'll have to keep dying it.

Dye isnt exactly permanent.

It'll wash out a little after a while.

Why won't my hair dye?

Yeah...I have the same hair color, and when I tried to dye my hair black, it just turned this sickly dark shiny green color.

For ladies like us, we probably haven't got much of a choice...it's either blonde, strawberry blond, or light brown. I know, annoying, but at least we don't have ugly hair! :)

Why won't my hair dye?

well go to a profesional salon

Why won't my hair dye?

oh my god, mine does that, too, I have burgundy right now and I'm starting to see blond right above my ears. Try different types of shampoo, my hair doesn't get greasy when I dye it, so I only wash it once every three days, it lasts longer.

Why won't my hair dye?

if you don't want ur natural colour to show, ur gonna have to dye it every couple of weeks. but u should'nt do that cause it ruins the hair.

Why won't my hair dye?

Hair has this special oils and your its just like mine, it will take the color but 2 days later its almost gone. It's just the way our hair is:(

Why won't my hair dye?

hi Lindie I'll tell u some ways to make sure that u keep the color but if u found that u skipped some of them try again

1- don't wash ur hair the day u colored it and up to the 3 day after that you can wash it but with the shampoo that is for colored hair

2- don't expose ur hair too much to the sun or heat because they will fade the color

3-use a good kind of colors

that's it for now try those and tell me the results


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