Thursday, July 30, 2009

I want to dye my dark brown hair lighter brown, but in the past, I saw no difference. What is the pr

I used to just bleach my hair then apply the color that I wanted, but I want to dye my hair lighter without having to use a bleach lightener, I have Feria 58 but Im scared that its going to be a waste of time because the color wont show up...Why does this happen? and what can I do to get the color to show? Anyone recommend a brand to try or just different methods to my madness? thanks all.

I want to dye my dark brown hair lighter brown, but in the past, I saw no difference. What is the problem?

There is a kind that works

L'oreal Feria High Lift Browns. You can get it just about anywhere, it was designed for dark hair. Works great

I want to dye my dark brown hair lighter brown, but in the past, I saw no difference. What is the problem?

Your might want to get lighter highlights.

I want to dye my dark brown hair lighter brown, but in the past, I saw no difference. What is the problem?

You didn't use a light enough color.

I want to dye my dark brown hair lighter brown, but in the past, I saw no difference. What is the problem?

L'oreal Feria High Lift Browns works for me

I want to dye my dark brown hair lighter brown, but in the past, I saw no difference. What is the problem?

well it depends on how dark you hair is, you need to do it slowly.

like if you have really dark hair you just go a little lighter, and then just keep going a little lighter until you reach the hair color you want

I want to dye my dark brown hair lighter brown, but in the past, I saw no difference. What is the problem?

For some reason, some peoples hair is resistant to lightening, could be your genes, could just be you had faulty hair dye last time, or not a good brand.

I want to dye my dark brown hair lighter brown, but in the past, I saw no difference. What is the problem?

For you to notice any distinct change, you need to choose a shade that's atleast 2 shades lighter than your natural colour.

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