Friday, July 24, 2009

My hair is black & i died it reddish-purple. how can i make the color show more without bleachin

so, my hair is like totally black, %26amp; i just recently died it a purply color with one of those temporary dies, but i kinda want it to show more than it does. the next time i use that stuff, how can i make it look more noticable without bleaching it, if thats possible, or is bleaching not so bad as people have been telling me?? any suggestions would help..thanks!

My hair is black %26amp; i died it reddish-purple. how can i make the color show more without bleaching it?

Bleaching is definitely bad! You shouldn't put bleach on black hair ever. Maybe you can use the same color but in a permanent. Or try mixing in some accent colors. You'd be best just going to the salon.

My hair is black %26amp; i died it reddish-purple. how can i make the color show more without bleaching it?

I dont know of any other way than bleach for a home job. you could leave it on for about 5 to 10 minutes. your best bet is to go to a salon.

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