Sunday, July 26, 2009

I just got my hair permanently dyed, will putting a rinse on top of it take my hair out?

I got a dark red in my hair but i want to put a rinse on top of it, maybe a light brown rinse, will it even show?

I just got my hair permanently dyed, will putting a rinse on top of it take my hair out?

if you'e doing a rinse it's only going to last a few shampoos, if you're coloring a light brown go like 2 shades lighter because color doesn't remove color, it's kinda like coloring with crayons no matter what color you put on top of the previous color it still goes darker, so keep that in mind when choosing a brown. plus red is a dificult color to remove so you may still see some red.

I just got my hair permanently dyed, will putting a rinse on top of it take my hair out?

a rinse is a temporary haircolor that washes out after one shampoo. So, unfortunately, a light brown rinse will not show up on dark red hair. If what you're thinking of doing is trying to use a color to make it not dark red and lighten it to light brown, it will not work. color does not lift color. if you want it lighter you will have to get the dark red color removed before it can be colored light brown.

I just got my hair permanently dyed, will putting a rinse on top of it take my hair out?

You have to use a color that is at the same level as the color you have on now for it to do anything at all. If your hair is a dark red and you use a light brown then it will just be a waste of time and money because it will do nothing at all. If you a dark brown however, then you could turn your whole hair brown and lose all of the red. You best bet is to add some brown to the red when you are mixing the color. If you can find a demi permanent color that is translucent then you can use a brown that is at the same level but the red should show through.

I just got my hair permanently dyed, will putting a rinse on top of it take my hair out?

...DON'T do it...

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